Somewhere in the exotic,erotic Bodyverse.....
His ancient tower stood out amdist the beautiful clearing like some exotic structure of time and space. On the top Karina, now dub his seductress rests on his bed while the enigmatic Wizard Draego sleeps. Karina had seduced him with her wild whim and they made out for hours it seems.
Still the hardbody Karina knows the Bodyverse calls her. For she feels its strange voice which often drives her nuts everyonce in a while. She climbs out of the bed ans strolls to balconey of the tower. She feels its power hmmm under her barefeet radiating through her. She knows she can flee. back into the jungle and she knows how to hide.
Yet Draego has put a spell over her and she can't flee. The wizard whattever he is called her his Sedusctress, his ttemptess. She feels like Barbella at times. She knows her inner Barberella would want her to bust her confines.
A sound of sonic thunder.
She sees a the growing storm approaching. Rain has ways of calming her, she feels the spell starting to wear off as the storm draws closer.
Suddenly she feels Draego hands upon her. Karina turns and liplocks with him no question as the storm comes over them, the rain pours on them but Karina doesn't care about the downpour. She's his seductress but she knows even a seductress dumps her lover.
Draego changes scenery with a snap of a finger.
Karina finds herself on top of him as his dominater. She kisses him madly and begs more from him as Karina couldn't be satisfied. They roll into the wet grass under a canopy of trees.
"I can't satisfy you forever," Karina murmurs as her nude hardbod glistens under the light. Karina falls off from sheer exhaustion. "I need to sleep Wiz."
Karina falls asleep,a deep sleep.
Hours later..
Karina wakes up and finds Draego has gone. To her surprise he left her a crystal dagger to protect herself...
Karina sits under a large tree and wonder it has been a weird seven days or more...