Friday, June 9, 2023

The Jungle of Draego

 Deep in tthe erotic Bodyverse somewhere...

Karina made out with the mysterious druid for the last time in a ruined broke temple. Outside a downpour of rain slammed the ancient stone and a mini waterfall fell into ancient pool. When Karina got through satisfying her captor, she realize she drain his life out of him. 

"I have to flee," She murmurs. 

Karina feels the tropical like rain slam her and she welcomes it. She climbs on the cat like steed and gallups off from the ruins. The wind rain clenses her and keeps her mind awake. The farther she gets away from the ruin temple the more lost she feels. But being lost in this jungle is something she's use too. She pauses her steed and looks around. 

Karina has no idea where she is. For this part of the strange jungle is unfamiliar and she wonders if she may have tresspassed into unknow kingdom. Giant mushrooms dance out at her and she ventures toward them. 

She dismounts from her steed and she sends if out in the jungle. The nagging sense of being stalked bugs her. 

"I don't like this." 

Exhausted she climbs ontop of smaller mushrooms and sleeps. She dreams marching with a cloak figure who claims her for his own. All she know his name is Draego and nothing more. She wakes up from he surreal dream and the cloak figure is standing meters from her. 

"I'm Draego my Karina of Earth." 

She's drawn to him and Karina remains quiet as she let's him bind her wrist behind her bareback. She feels his hand on her bareshoulder as he marches off with her as his claimed sexy hardbody. Karina stares straight ahead silently. 

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