Thursday, September 7, 2023

Undiscovred Jungle,Undiscovered Dangers

 Somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse...kingdom of Draego. 

 The storm raged... 

 Karina slides the crystal dagger into her slim lace bikini. She sees an oppertunity to escape the wizard Draego and from his tower. Since he in't around she figures the storm could give her cover and it does. Karina finds the waterfall embedded in his tower near vast shimmering lagoon. 

She climbs on the ledge and dives off of it. Karina hits the water with a splash and she plummets deep into deep lagoon. She remains close to the lagoon wall and follows the curruent via some weird looking school of fish. Quickly she feels the strong current suck her into a larger cavern..she remains underwater and with her great prowess swims with the warm current. 

She reaches the water's surface and sees light at the end of cavern. She pushes herself forrward to the light and she finds herself swept in another raging waterfall and she falls into the water again. Fall disorents her  as she trys to get her bearings...she sees a large tenticle reach out for her but she dadges it. She quickly pushes herself to the surface which she hears many waterfalls. Karina pushes herself to the grassy shore near some huge jungle trees. Her eyes dart about as Karina gets her bearings and she realizes she's in undiscovered jungle. For the paths are different and it has some ominious feel about it. 

Karina yawns and finds a seashell and she crawls into it. Under the quiet moonlight she crawls into the large seashell and drifts asleep. 

Dawn. A few hours later...

A dream stirs Karina to councious awake. She doesn't know how long she slept. Yet her mind and hardbody feels refreshed. She crawls out of the seashell. She stretches her limbs and let the sun rays bath her. 

"Now where am I," Karina murmurs. She knows this jungle is new and unknown and with a new jungle brings new dangers. Especially for her. Karina decides to follow the new path and see where it leads. As she reenters the unknown jungles with its unknown dangers she knows she's being watch by forces unknown...

It's the unknown forces that keeps her wary. 

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