Thursday, August 22, 2024

Mysterious Rival steals Karina

 Somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse... several weeks later.... 

Karina doesn't know how long she's been with Kamal. Since they've been among the strange ruins of the Bodyverse jungle which is she's unfamiliar with. She didn't mind being his paramour, and she now lay under Kamal''s spell. Neither one didn't know his rival had been eying Karina the lucious hardbod for sometime. 

As dusk fades to another moonlit night with surreal booming thunderheads, Karina lays alone on the ground. Kamal has open the door for her to flee but she doesn't as if something in the jungle darkness made her shiver with fear. And fear is something like a sixth sense emotion to her. 

"Something else wants me," she murmurs as she stares at the unknown dark, mysterious jungle. Still she feels something is there and drawing close to her since Kamal for reasons unknown left her alone. Karina feels vulnerable. Whenever she's lost trouble finds her.

Yet this time she can't flee for the mysterious shadow has found her and desires her. Karina alone near the jungle sees the unknown ghoul ride on his strange mount. His large fingers quickly snatch up her nude muscle hardbod as she gapes. She's layed on her chest strugging in shock by his quickness and quickly his strong fingers press firmly on her bare ass. Karina gazes blankly as the mysterious ghoul gallups back into the glowing darken jungle...

"Who are you, let me go," Karina shrieks as she feels moonrays on her nude hardbod. 

She doesn't get response all Karina can suspect that an unknow rival of Kamal has grab her for his onw ends. She squirms in panic under his firm hand and this ghoul she knows isn't  about let this beauty go. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Kamal Claims Karina

 Above the Bodyverse jungle somewhere...

The hunter has caught word of her. He's caught on to her scent as well....his name is Kamal an all powerful ghoul...from the skys he searches for the legendary Karina.....

Karina is truely lost in the jungle as she swims across the lake to the shore, she can't help that weird sense of her that something is stalking her. What she doesn't know. Often the unknown of the Bodyverse scares her the mose and once on shore her sexy soaken wet nude hardbod glistens as does her long black glossy hair. Her brown eyes dart the surreal skys and the surreal jungle around her. She feels something off but she can't place it. 

"This place plays tricks me," Karina murmurs as she twists her head back in forth and her long black hair twirls in slo mot it seams. Still Karina knows she has to get out of the clearing back into jungle. She can run in this case but she can't hide from those who want her. Whoever wants her is determined and he's somewhere in the skys. The nude hardbod hungerian beauty flees down the path from the lake. She feels comfort in the shade of the jungle around her. 

Still the eerie roars of creatures around her make her shudder and the carnivore plants could snatch her as well but Karina knows to be careful. Her eyes shift around looking for refuge. She senses her hunter is drawing closer and he'll find her in a matter of time. 

Karina stuts down the path and follows it where it takes her. So far everything has been quiet maybe too quiet. Karina isn't scared it's the unknown that often scares her and the unfamiliar path leads her somewhere. 

Minurtes later... 

Karina troubles begin when she emerges in a surreal huge surreal patch between the jungle. Just as she steps into the vast clearing the creature on his wing steed lands in the clearing as if he knows she's here. Karina knows she can never escape a ghoul that wants her. She feels her luck has changed and she sees the one called Kamal standing tall in front of her. 

"Surrender my Karina of earth." He bellows. 

Karina feels drawn to him as she stands on the path. So she surrenders to the mysterious ghoul who has been pursuing her. 

"You can have me," Karina murmurs. 

She stands still as she lets the ghoul bound her wrists hehind her. Moements later Kamal lifts her close to him on his strange bird steed. This isn't the end but the beginning with him and Karina moans softly as his hand clamps on her bare ass. No escape for thiis sexy hardbody. 

Karina feels his steed rise into the heavens and she feels Kamal kiss her cheek. Karina doesn't look away but enjoys his attention. She calms herself down as his bird steed lifts upward into the heavens..Karina and Kamal disappear in the clouds.... 

Karina could only guess where they're going... 

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Undiscovred Jungle,Undiscovered Dangers

 Somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse...kingdom of Draego. 

 The storm raged... 

 Karina slides the crystal dagger into her slim lace bikini. She sees an oppertunity to escape the wizard Draego and from his tower. Since he in't around she figures the storm could give her cover and it does. Karina finds the waterfall embedded in his tower near vast shimmering lagoon. 

She climbs on the ledge and dives off of it. Karina hits the water with a splash and she plummets deep into deep lagoon. She remains close to the lagoon wall and follows the curruent via some weird looking school of fish. Quickly she feels the strong current suck her into a larger cavern..she remains underwater and with her great prowess swims with the warm current. 

She reaches the water's surface and sees light at the end of cavern. She pushes herself forrward to the light and she finds herself swept in another raging waterfall and she falls into the water again. Fall disorents her  as she trys to get her bearings...she sees a large tenticle reach out for her but she dadges it. She quickly pushes herself to the surface which she hears many waterfalls. Karina pushes herself to the grassy shore near some huge jungle trees. Her eyes dart about as Karina gets her bearings and she realizes she's in undiscovered jungle. For the paths are different and it has some ominious feel about it. 

Karina yawns and finds a seashell and she crawls into it. Under the quiet moonlight she crawls into the large seashell and drifts asleep. 

Dawn. A few hours later...

A dream stirs Karina to councious awake. She doesn't know how long she slept. Yet her mind and hardbody feels refreshed. She crawls out of the seashell. She stretches her limbs and let the sun rays bath her. 

"Now where am I," Karina murmurs. She knows this jungle is new and unknown and with a new jungle brings new dangers. Especially for her. Karina decides to follow the new path and see where it leads. As she reenters the unknown jungles with its unknown dangers she knows she's being watch by forces unknown...

It's the unknown forces that keeps her wary. 

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Seductress of Draego

 Somewhere in the exotic,erotic Bodyverse.....

 His ancient tower stood out amdist the beautiful clearing like some exotic structure of time and space. On the top Karina, now dub his seductress rests on his bed while the enigmatic Wizard Draego sleeps. Karina had seduced him with her wild whim and they made out for hours it seems. 

Still the hardbody Karina knows the Bodyverse calls her. For she feels its strange voice which often drives her nuts everyonce in a while. She climbs out of the bed ans strolls to balconey of the tower. She feels its power hmmm under her barefeet radiating through her. She knows she can flee. back into the jungle and she knows how to hide. 

Yet Draego has put a spell over her and she can't flee. The wizard whattever he is called her his Sedusctress, his ttemptess. She feels like Barbella at times. She knows her inner Barberella would want her to bust her confines. 

A sound of sonic thunder. 

She sees a the growing storm approaching. Rain has ways of calming her, she feels the spell starting to wear off as the storm draws closer. 

Suddenly she feels Draego hands upon her. Karina turns and liplocks with him no question as the storm comes over them, the rain pours on them but Karina doesn't care about the downpour. She's his seductress but she knows even a seductress dumps her lover. 

Draego changes scenery with a snap of a finger. 

Karina finds herself on top of him as his dominater. She kisses him madly and begs more from him as Karina couldn't be satisfied. They roll into the wet grass under a canopy of trees. 

"I can't satisfy you forever," Karina murmurs as her nude hardbod glistens under the light. Karina falls off from sheer exhaustion. "I need to sleep Wiz." 

Karina falls asleep,a deep sleep. 

Hours later..

Karina wakes up and finds Draego has gone. To her surprise he left her a crystal dagger to protect herself...

Karina sits under a large tree and wonder it has been a weird seven days or more... 

Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Power of Draego

 Deep somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse...

Sooner or later Karina knew he would find her again. 

She figures perhaps its part of her destiny to find her and now repoess her. With her wrists firmly bound behind her perfect nude hardbod, she's his worthy,priceless catch. Karina gasps as she feels his long powerful fingers on her shoulder. Having been found by him, Karina knows those with magic like Draego one doesn't dare to escape. She feels his hand strong her glossy long black hair. Karina feels the soft ground under her barefeet. 

They move slowly for often Draego takes his time. Karina feels and sees Draego long shadow encompas her as the sun streaks through the open shafts. Why Draego wants her is the mystery and often she figures maybe his mate. In this jungle Draego feels taller and his long fingers make her feel small. She knows she's at a disadvantage with him and other creatures of the alien jungle for she's frequentl dominated by them. 

The story of her new life. 

She feel his fingers squeeze her and she's stop. Karina murmurs "Kiss me." 

She gasps as she feels Draego lips on her neck,his hands move around her small waste gently pulling her closer. Draego weld great power as she feels his power surge and stir over her. She now feels overwhlem by his power. 

Karina murmurs softly "Keep me ,dominate me." 

"As you wish lovely Karina of Earth". Draego intones. 

Minutes later... 

Draego lifts his claim perfect hardbod Karina upon his familar bat. Mintues Karina feels the bat ascend in the heavens to points unknown....

Friday, June 9, 2023

The Jungle of Draego

 Deep in tthe erotic Bodyverse somewhere...

Karina made out with the mysterious druid for the last time in a ruined broke temple. Outside a downpour of rain slammed the ancient stone and a mini waterfall fell into ancient pool. When Karina got through satisfying her captor, she realize she drain his life out of him. 

"I have to flee," She murmurs. 

Karina feels the tropical like rain slam her and she welcomes it. She climbs on the cat like steed and gallups off from the ruins. The wind rain clenses her and keeps her mind awake. The farther she gets away from the ruin temple the more lost she feels. But being lost in this jungle is something she's use too. She pauses her steed and looks around. 

Karina has no idea where she is. For this part of the strange jungle is unfamiliar and she wonders if she may have tresspassed into unknow kingdom. Giant mushrooms dance out at her and she ventures toward them. 

She dismounts from her steed and she sends if out in the jungle. The nagging sense of being stalked bugs her. 

"I don't like this." 

Exhausted she climbs ontop of smaller mushrooms and sleeps. She dreams marching with a cloak figure who claims her for his own. All she know his name is Draego and nothing more. She wakes up from he surreal dream and the cloak figure is standing meters from her. 

"I'm Draego my Karina of Earth." 

She's drawn to him and Karina remains quiet as she let's him bind her wrist behind her bareback. She feels his hand on her bareshoulder as he marches off with her as his claimed sexy hardbody. Karina stares straight ahead silently. 

Friday, May 12, 2023

Shadow of the Druid

 Somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse jungle...evening twilight. 

Karina doesn't have any idea how long she's been with the druid since her easy capture hours ago. She figures that wondering nude hardbod like herself is an easy prey for anything to catch and make her thier sensual captive. 

She doesn't know how long she's been with the leader druid who is clearly crazy over her. She grips the ebony bolas as she marches with him. She feels his power and that power tells her not to escape him. She doesn't have a clue where he's taking her. But she doesn't care. 

The mysterious,engimatic Druid strokes her long black hair, as Karina marches forward. The  Bodyverse jungle speaks in its wild colors along the footpath. Roars of the shadows fill distance as she marches she feels his shadow engulf her. 

"Where are we going?" Karina ventures. 

Her shadowy captor doesn't answer. 

"Your myserious I get it." Karina murmurs. 

The feel the erotic jungle of colors engulf them. The Druid and Karina are alone and still she doesn't know wher they're going. 

"Soft hair little one." The druid remarks. 

"You got lucky when you captured me great druid," Karina remarks as she gazes around hearing more surreal sounds. 

Hours later...

She slept with the Druid a small cavern waystation somewhere. 

She feels a galluping of hoofs, the sounds of hoofs stir Karina awake as her beutifil black hair whips in the wind. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH she moans as she feels his cool strange hand on her bare ass. 

Karina finds herself resting on an unknown steed. She lets out another AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH as she feels his strange fingers squeeze her bare flesh and her fingers tense around the smooth black bolas. 

For now her world spins in colors as she hears thunder roar in the distance...

Mysterious Rival steals Karina

 Somewhere in the erotic Bodyverse... several weeks later....  Karina doesn't know how long she's been with Kamal. Since they've...